
云顶娱乐 、人工智能研究院


云顶娱乐 、人工智能研究院


云顶娱乐 、人工智能研究院


云顶娱乐 、人工智能研究院


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2005.03-2008.03,XNET通信与网络安全公司(卡拉奇, 巴基斯坦)网络安全 技术支持工程师,负责全面的网络安全技术支持
2008.06-2010.06,Creativ Deziners(Pvt)Ltd 客户支持主管,深入了解公司和客户需求,及时有效地沟通和管理; 软件支持、客户维护、日常 IT 办公管理、辅助公司支持管理等
1.Muhammad Arif Mughal, Ata Ullah, Muhammad Awais Zafar Cheema, Xinbo Yu and NZ Jhanji,An Intelligent Channel Assignment Algorithm for Cognitive Radio Networks Using a Tree-Centric Approach in loT.Alexandria Engineering Journal(Accepted). (SCI, Impact Factor: 6.80)
2.Muhammad Arif Mughal, Peng Shi, Ata Ullah, Khalid Mahmood, Muhammad Abid, Xiong Luo, "Logical Tree based Secure Rekeying Management for Smart Devices" IEEE Access. vol. 7, pp. 76699 - 76711, 2019. (Q1, SCI, Impact Factor: 4.098)
3.Muhammad Arif Mughal, Xiong Luo, Zahid Mahmood and Ata Ullah, Physical Unclonable Function Based Authentication Scheme for Smart Devices in Internet of Things, IEEE Smart IoT, Xi’an, China. (Published) [EI-Conference]
4.Muhammad Arif Mughal, Xiong Luo, Ata Ullah, Subhan Ullah, and Zahid Mahmood, Lightweight Digital Signature Based Security Scheme for Human-Centered Internet of Things, IEEE Access, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 31630-31643. (Published Online) (Q1, SCI, Impact Factor: 4.098).
5.Muhammad Arif Mughal, Ata Ullah, Xinbo Yu, Wei He*, NZ Jhanji, " A Secure and Privacy Preserved Data Aggregation Scheme in IoMT," ELSEVIER Computer Communication. 2023 (under review). (SCI, Impact Factor: 5.047)
6.Muhammad Arif Mughal, Ata Ullah, Xinbo Yu, Muhammad Azeem, Wei He*, " Logical Tree based Key Freshness Mechanism for Mobility Scenarios in IoT assisted Wireless Sensor Networks," Internet of Things. 2023 (under review). (SCI, Impact Factor: 5.9)
7. Ce Zhang, Yu Pan, Tailong Hui, Wei Xu, Shuaihua Zhang, Muhammad Arif Mughal, Jiazhen Zhang, Xin Lu, The sintering densification, microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti-48Al-2Cr-2Nb by a small addition of Sn-Al powder. Journal of Materials Research and Technology-JMR&T. Published 2021.11.24 15: 6947-6955, (Top SCI, Impact Factor: 6.267)
8. Langping Zhu, Yu Pan, Yanjun Liu, Zhiyu Sun, Xiangning Wang, Hai Nan, Muhammad Arif Mughal, Dong Lu & Xin Lu,Effects of microstructure characteristics on the tensile properties and fracture toughness of TA15 alloy fabricated by hot isostatic pressing, International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials. Published 2023.1.21(Top SCI,Impact Factor, 3.850)
9. Aihua Yu, Wei Xu*, Xin Lu*, Maryam Tamaddon, Bowen Liu, Shiwei Tian, Ce Zhang, Muhammad Arif Mughal, Jiazhen Zhang, Chaozong Liu, Development and characterizations of graded porous titanium scaffolds via selective laser melting for orthopedics applications, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, Accepted. (Top SCI, Impact Factor: 3.752)
10.Y.Zhao,X.He,Z.Liu,Muhammad Arif Mughal ,Wei. He,"Modeling and Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Vibration Control of the Flexible Wing with End Loads"2022 China Automation Congress(CAC), Xiamen,China,2022, pp.6372-6377,doi:10.1109/CAC57257.2022. 10054956. (Published)
11. Yipeng Zhang, Tingting Meng, Muhammad Arif Mughal , Wei He, Qiang Fu."Robust output regulation for a flexible wing system with output disturbances". 42nd Chinese Control Conference(Accepted).
12. Xinbo Yu, Xiong Guo, Wei He*, Muhammad Arif Mughal, Dawei Zhang. " Real time Trajectory Planning and Obstacle Avoidance for Human-Robot Co-transporting". IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (Accepted)
13. Guangquan Cheng,Linghuan Kong,Wenkai Niu,Yifan Wu,Muhammad Arif Mughal. Fixed-Time Event-Triggered Control for a Building-Like Structure With Prescribed Performance, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems(Accepted)
14. Xinyu Shi, Xiuyu He, Yao Zou, Muhammad Arif Mughal, Sujie Zhang, Wei He. "Anti-Disturbance and Rough Trajectory Tracking Control of Quadrotor UAVs Based on Dual-Channel Control Mechanism".The 8th IEEE International Conference On Advanced Robotics And Mechatronics.
4.参与科技部高端外国专家引进计划项目:机器人智能控制理论与应用研究 (G20190001336),2019年7月至2021年6月,90万元;
云顶娱乐 、人工智能研究院
