共发表SCI/EI索引的高水平论文20余篇,包括虚拟现实领域顶级会议IEEE VR、计算机图形学领域顶级会议ACM SIGGRAPH、Nature 子刊 Nature communication和权威期刊Computer Graphics Forum(CGF)、Bioinformatics等,发表于CGF期刊的论文曾受邀到SCA 2020会议作报告,曾荣获CGI会议最佳论文奖,近5年代表性成果如下:
[1] Liu S, Wang B, Ban X. Multiple-scale Simulation Method for Liquid with Trapped Air under Particle-based Framework[C]//2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR). IEEE, 2020: 842-850. (CCF A)
[2] Liu S, Wang X, Ban X, et al. Viscosity-based Vorticity Correction for Turbulent SPH Fluids, IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (IEEE VR). Osaka, Japan, 2019.3.23-27. (CCF A)
[3] Liu S, Wang X, Ban X, et al. Turbulent Details Simulation for SPH Fluids via Vorticity Refinement[C]//Computer Graphics Forum. 2020. (SCI 2区)
[4] Liu S, Ban X, Zeng X, et al. A unified framework for packing deformable and non-deformable subcellular structures in crowded cryo-electron tomogram simulation[J]. BMC bioinformatics, 2020, 21(1): 1-24. (SCI 2区)
[5] Liu S, Ma Y, Ban X, et al. Efficient Cryo-Electron Tomogram Simulation of Macromolecular Crowding with Application to SARS-CoV-2[C]//2020 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine. IEEE, 2020. (CCF B)
[6] Wang X, Xu Y, Liu S, et al.Physics-based fluid simulation in Computer Graphics: Survey, research trends, and challenges, 2023, will be published. (SCI 1区)
[7] Wang X+, Liu S+, Ban X, et al. Recovering turbulence details using velocity correction for sph fluids[M]//SIGGRAPH Asia 2019 Technical Briefs. 2019: 95-98. (CCF A)
[8] Wang X+, Liu S+, Ban X, et al. Robust turbulence simulation for particle-based fluids using the Rankine vortex model[J]//the Visual Computer. 2020, 36:2285–2298. (CGI 2020 最佳论文奖)
[9] Zhang, B., Zhu, Q., Xu, C., Li, C., Ma, Y., Ma, Z., Liu, S., et al. Atomic-scale insights on hydrogen trapping and exclusion at incoherent interfaces of nanoprecipitates in martensitic steels[J]. Nature Communications, 2022, 13(1), 3858. (Nature 子刊)
[10] 高动态空间自适应流体仿真方法、设备及存储介质(ZL202211575803.0), 2023.02.16,已授权
[11] 冷冻电子断层扫描的模拟图像生成方法、设备及存储介质(ZL202310715957.3), 2023-06-15, 已授权